Home按揭資訊How to get the best mortgage offer and rates in Hong Kong?

How to get the best mortgage offer and rates in Hong Kong?

Buying a property in Hong Kong is a dream to most of those who live in Hong Kong. Considering how expensive the housing market is, homebuyers should take advantage of any help they can get. Therefore, finding ways to get the best mortgage offer and mortgage interest rate is probably one of the most important to do task prior to placing a deposit for a home you want to buy.

For those who are new to the market, getting the best mortgage offer relies on a few key elements:

Before we continue on the topic, we want to let you know that ROOTS is the first online mortgage broker and startup focusing on mortgage in Hong Kong. ROOTS’ core services include an “online mortgage application form” and “mortgage pre-assessment report”.

The online mortgage application form is an all-inclusive application form which allows you to directly apply bank mortgages at home. The online form will save you time from going to the bank and filling out paper forms.

The mortgage pre-assessment report, is an A.I. algorithm backed feature that can assess your mortgage affordability and application success rate. By using the pre-assessment report, home buyers can understand how much they can loan based on their current financial situation. Therefore, it can avoid the risk of losing the deposit you paid because you were unable to obtain a mortgage loan from a bank.

Last but not least, BOTH of the services are FREE for anyone to use and feel free to contact us should you have any questions. Click here to WhatsApp ROOTS!

Type of Property

If you had the chance to look through various property listing sites, you will probably realize there are different types of property available to buyers. Ignoring the commercial properties such as office, shops, industrial units or car parking spots, there are a few different types of residential properties. Private residential, tenement buildings (Tong Lau), village houses and subsidized housing.

Tenement Building (Tong Lau)

The reason why the property type affects the mortgage offer or mortgage interest rate is because different properties have different regulations on their financing and have unique risk involved. For instance, tenement buildings or Tong Lau are usually built back in the 60’s and 70’s. Their age are considered to be “older” than other common private residential, hence may seem to be less marketable. In addition, tenement buildings do not have elevators. Since they are less marketable, the value might be affected. Therefore, banks might raise the interest rates on the mortgage offer for tenement buildings.

Village House

This goes the same for village houses. Village houses are a unique type of property, usually detached or semi-detached two to three stories homes built in the New Territories. Interestingly, village houses are built under the small house policy which allows an indigenous male villager who is 18 years old and is descended through the male line from a resident in 1898 of a recognized village in New Territories. Therefore, their complex legal nature makes it more skeptical for banks to mortgage. There are banks which focuses in mortgaging for village houses, but to get the best rate might be challenging, and often times require the homebuyer to make a bigger downpayment.

Subsidized Housing

Subsidized housing, on the other hand, are residential properties developed by the HKSAR government. These properties are usually sold at a discounted price compared to the usual private residential property. However, according to the policy, banks are only allowed to mortgage and finance it with Prime offer. Meaning, homebuyers will not be allowed to mortgage it with a lower HIBOR offer.

Private Residential Property

Private residential property is the most common type of residential property amongst homebuyers in Hong Kong. Most of the tall residential buildings you see today are private residential property. Getting a mortgage offer for private residential property is the easiest compared to the other form of residential properties. Banks favor these type the most and the mortgage offer is often times better than the others.

All in all, getting the best mortgage offer often times depend on the property type. If you want to find out how to get the best mortgage offer for you case, reach out to ROOTS through WhatsApp. Our experienced team of mortgage consultants can help you get the best mortgage offer for free!

Types of PropertyBest Mortgage OfferUsual Mortgage Offer
Private Residential PropertyHIBOR + 1.3% HIBOR + 1.3%
Tenement Building (Tong Lau)HIBOR + 1.3%HIBOR + 1.5%
Village HouseHIBOR + 1.3%HIBOR + 1.5%
Subsidized HousingHIBOR + 1.3%HIBOR + 1.3%

How your financial and income status affect your mortgage?

Other than finding the right property, having a solid financial status can help bargain for the best mortgage offer for your next home purchase. There are a few things to prepare yourself:

  1. Credit Score
  2. Outstanding Loan
  3. Solid Income

Credit Score

Hong Kong has a credit bureau used by all banks and many financial institution called TransUnion. TransUnion rates each debtor on its repayment behavior and likelihood of default. The best credit score one can obtain is an A grade and banks usually accept mortgage applications from any homebuyers with a H grade or above. Your grade is usually affected by your repayment habits and amount of loan. Which leads two our second point.

Outstanding Loan

Having an substantial amount of loan outstanding will not help your case in getting a mortgage approval. Generally speaking, an income of HK$10k/month will get you HK$1million mortgage loan. However, if you have any sort of loan or debt such as credit card/personal loan/revolving loan or acting as a guarantor of other mortgage will hugely impact your affordability. To get the best mortgage offer, we suggest homebuyers to repay all outstanding loan before acting on the next home purchase.

Solid Income

If you have read our previous article on How to get a mortgage in Hong Kong? A complete guide for locals and expats. you might’ve seen somewhere that getting the highest 90% mortgage offer requires you to to be a regular salaried person (assuming the property you are purchasing falls within the price bracket). Per Hong Kong Monetary Authority guideline, regular salaried person refer to those who are employed with a fixed income. Meaning if your 3 previous months of bank statement show the same income amount, you are entitled to apply for 90% mortgage offer. Irregular salaried person or non-fixed income such as commission based or self-employed can only borrow a maximum of 80%. Therefore, having a solid income will largely benefit you on your home purchase as you can borrow 90% and only pay 10% of the property price as down payment.

How does your age affect your mortgage?

Mortgages are allowed to have a maximum of 30 years of tenor in Hong Kong and banks use 75 or 80 years to subtract your age to derive the tenor. Meaning anyone who wants to borrow a mortgage with 30 years a tenor should not be older than 45 years old. If you are 60 years old for instance, even if you are lucky to have a bank subtract your age with 80 years, your maximum tenor is only 20 years. Having only 20 years of tenor meaning you have to repay your whole mortgage at a pace 1/3 faster than a 30 year tenor mortgage. This will place a huge burden on your monthly payment (assuming your income is sufficient to pass the stress test). If your income isn’t sufficient to to survive the stress test on the increased monthly repayment due to the shortened tenor, you will need to loan less and give out a bigger down payment. All in all, what we are trying to say here is, age plays a big factor in your mortgage terms. To get the longest mortgage loan tenor, it is advised to have a buyer who is younger than 45 years old. If the buyer is 45 years old or older the only other way to stretch the mortgage tenor to 30 years is to add a guarantor who is younger than 45 years old.

There you go! Now you know what factors you need to think about if you want to maximize your income to borrow a mortgage and get the best mortgage offer and rates. To find out what are the current mortgage interest rates click here for more: How to get a mortgage in Hong Kong? A complete guide for locals and expats.

ROOTS is an online mortgage brokerage startup founded in 2018 that aims to simplify homebuyer’s mortgage process. Finding your dream home can be a daunting task but financing it shouldn’t and we are here to help you go through it along the way.

Our “online application form” allows you to apply for various bank mortgages within 5 minutes. Saving you time from visiting banks physically and filling out paper forms.

Our “mortgage pre-assessment report” is an A.I. algorithm tool is like a body check on your financial status that tells you your mortgage application success rate and loan affordability.

With ROOTS, you will have people by your side the whole way. They will take the mortgage burden off your back. Our team will find you the best mortgages and help you apply for one at ease. Whether you are planning to buy or have already signed a sales and purchase agreement, reach out to us now to find the best mortgage for you. Click here to WhatsApp ROOTS!

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【PARK SEASONS】日出康城12B期|均價維持1.4萬 延續SEASONS PLACE|會德豐地產

繼日出康城12A期SEASONS PLACE推出後,再推出12B期PARK SEASONS,首批平均呎價$14,488,比SEASONS PLACE首批平均呎價$14,188貴2%,最快下周末開售。買不到SEASONS PLACE的朋友可以考慮一下PARK SEASONS! 除了定時定候提供最新的樓市、按揭相關資訊之外,作為數碼港成員機構的ROOTS上會致力透過創新科技為香港每一位解決按揭煩惱。金融科技平台ROOTS上會打造香港首創網上按揭申請表,一次過免費幫客戶向多間銀行遞交申請,無須再踏入銀行分行用手填表。與此同時,ROOTS上會創立獨家A.I.按揭評估,讓客戶了解按揭負擔能力、獲批按揭的機會、按揭利率、現金回贈等資訊,以衡量是否落訂買樓及應選擇申請哪些銀行按揭計劃,大大減低撻訂機會。另外,我們亦提供精準的智能按揭計算機方便各位計算能否通過壓力測試及每月按揭供款額。 獨家A.I.按揭評估:【A.I.按揭評估】預測按揭批核機會首創網上按揭申請表:【網上按揭申請表】一次過向多間銀行網上遞交申請按揭利率回贈比較:【按揭計劃】各大銀行按揭利率及回贈一覽智能按揭計算機:【按揭計算機】幫您計算壓力測試結果及每月按揭供款額最新樓市按揭資訊:【BLOG】提供最新置業、樓市及按揭資訊 PARK SEASONS 基本資料 地址新界將軍澳康城路1號發展商會德豐地產、港鐵座數2座(2A、2B座)伙數685伙實用面積277 - 537呎戶型一房至兩房,另有特色戶預計關鍵日期2025年11月30日校網小學: 95校網 ; 中學: 西貢區 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9iSK4w14Fk PARK SEASONS 戶型分析 PARK SEASONS提供一房及兩房戶型,另設平台及頂層特色戶。 房型實用面積伙數一房314 - 335呎294伙兩房496呎49伙兩房連書房537呎48伙兩房連開放式廚房436 - 481呎269伙特色單位277 - 537呎25伙共685伙 PARK SEASONS...

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【按揭利率比較2024】各大銀行按揭回贈及優惠一覽 (4月10日更新)

ROOTS 上會 為大家比較全港各大銀行2024最優惠按揭利率及按揭回贈! 以後各位就唔再需要打電話問銀行,憑下列圖表便可得知如何獲得至平至抵至著數的按揭優惠,想了解更多有關按揭或置業資訊,可以聯絡我們的按揭專員! 除了定時定候提供最新的樓市、按揭相關資訊之外,作為數碼港成員機構的ROOTS上會致力透過創新科技為香港每一位解決按揭煩惱。金融科技平台ROOTS上會打造香港首創網上按揭申請表,一次過免費幫客戶向多間銀行遞交申請,無須再踏入銀行分行用手填表。與此同時,ROOTS上會創立獨家A.I.按揭評估,讓客戶了解按揭負擔能力、獲批按揭的機會、按揭利率、現金回贈等資訊,以衡量是否落訂買樓及應選擇申請哪些銀行按揭計劃,大大減低撻訂機會。另外,我們亦提供精準的智能按揭計算機方便各位計算能否通過壓力測試及每月按揭供款額。 獨家A.I.按揭評估:【A.I.按揭評估】預測按揭批核機會首創網上按揭申請表:【網上按揭申請表】一次過向多間銀行網上遞交申請按揭利率回贈比較:【按揭計劃】各大銀行按揭利率及回贈一覽智能按揭計算機:【按揭計算機】幫您計算壓力測試結果及每月按揭供款額最新樓市按揭資訊:【BLOG】提供最新置業、樓市及按揭資訊 【延伸閱讀】業主必知按揭懶人包【買樓按揭流程】3分鐘講解不可不知按揭申請流程及必備文件!【壓力測試懶人包】新按揭保險計劃仲伏位你要知!【按揭成數】最新按揭成數懶人包,話你知買樓要幾多首期!【按揭Mortgage Link】存款掛鈎按揭真係好?為你解答FAQ!【按揭利率】一文睇清「P按」與「H按」分別,教你慳到盡!【按揭年期】如何借足30年?兩大因素影響按揭還款年期!【聯名物業甩名須知】近親轉讓竅門,內部轉讓如何慳盡印花稅!【按揭擔保人】與借款人分別?有幾重要?解釋按揭擔保人玩法!【擔保人】業主如何找擔保人?誰人才是適合你的按揭擔保人?【自僱人士按揭】和受薪人士有何不同?自僱人士按揭注意事項!【發展商按揭】等於借財仔?申請呼吸Plan會隨時仲伏影響成交!【拒批按揭】銀行拒批按揭9大原因!了解自己避免撻訂風險!【延伸閱讀】高成數按揭/按揭保險懶人包【按揭保險費用】一文睇清點計按揭保費,教你計到盡慳到盡【按揭保險】為什麼需要按揭保險?按揭保險費用點計? 【按揭保險】新/舊按揭保險計劃有甚麼分別?應該選哪一個?【高成數按揭】借盡9成按揭成數5大因素,按揭保險無難度!【甩按保】按揭保險全面睇-甚麼是甩按保?如何退保?【延伸閱讀】放租/轉按攻略【高成數按揭租樓】借高成數按揭出租物業隨時犯法?【放租技巧】出租可借幾成按揭?小心銀行CALL LOAN!【轉按攻略】如何用按揭財技轉按套現賺盡回贈拿至抵利率?【轉按流程】甚麼是轉按?一文睇清轉按流程及需知事項! ROOTS上會獨家銀行按揭JETSO優惠表 私人物業新按買賣按揭(一手、二手) H按年利率低至P按年利率低至年利率封頂位低至最高按揭回贈(高達)H+1.3%P-2%4.125%2.45% 私人物業轉按按揭 H按年利率低至P按年利率低至年利率封頂位低至最高按揭回贈(高達)H+1.3%P-2%4.125%2.45% 居屋、車位及工商舖按揭 物業種類H按年利率低至年利率封頂位低至最高按揭回贈(高達)居屋H+1.3% / P-1.75%4.125%0.8%車位H+1.8%4.225%0.2%工商舖H+1.8%4.225%0.2% 香港各大銀行按揭計劃一覽 銀行(Bank)最優惠利率(Prime Rate)P按年利率 (Prime Offer)H按年利率 (HIBOR Offer)高息戶口 (Mortgage Link)罰息期 (Penalty Period)中國銀行5.875%P-1.75%H+1.3%有2年匯豐銀行5.875%P-1.75%H+1.3%有2年恆生銀行5.875%P-1.75%H+1.3%有2年東亞銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年工銀亞洲6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年花旗銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年交通銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年渣打銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年創興銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年集友銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年中信銀行6.125%P-1.5%H+1.3%有2年富邦銀行6.25%P%H+1.3%沒有2年 如欲了解更多有關H按及P按的詳情,可參閱「H按」及「P按」。 想知道邊間銀行最高回贈?立即聯絡按揭專員為你提供最新銀行按揭優惠! 綠色按揭 現在,多間銀行推出「綠色按揭」計劃,按揭申請過程全無紙化,由遞交按揭申請、上載申請文件、查閱批核結果至日常賬單管理,全程線上辦理,將按揭服務數碼化,推動減碳環保,申請「綠色按揭」亦可獲得額外優惠,以吸引業主購入符合綠建環評原則的物業,並進一步提倡環保理念。 銀行綠色按揭回贈中國銀行高達 $14,888匯豐銀行高達 $14,888恒生銀行高達 $14,888東亞銀行高達 $12,000渣打銀行高達 $6,888 銀行按揭回贈及按揭利率常見問題FAQ ROOTS上會有什麼好處? ROOTS上會提供5大服務: 網上按揭申請服務 個人化A.I.按揭評估 按揭利率回贈比較 智能按揭計算機 每週按揭教室 以上的每項按揭服務都是從客人角度研發,確保服務能夠幫助每一位想置業的客人。 ROOTS上會按揭回贈好嗎? ROOTS上會每一天都會與銀行按揭部門聯繫,務求緊貼市場及為客戶索取最新按揭優惠資訊。換言之,ROOTS上會必定可以為客人爭取最佳按揭利率及按揭回贈。 ROOTS上會與其他按揭平台有何不同? 有別於其他按揭服務提供者,ROOTS上會提供網上按揭申請服務。傳統按揭轉介只會提供銀行按揭部職員聯絡資料給客戶。之後客戶要親身去銀行排隊及手填申請表,得不到全面性的服務,而ROOTS上會則包括網上按揭申請服務及個人化A.I.按揭評估。 應該申請邊間銀行按揭? 客人申請按揭時,當然想揀最低利息及最高按揭回贈的offer。不過,除了利息及回贈外,銀行審批按揭時還有很多鮮為人知的規矩。若不了解,輕則需要重新遞交文件向其他銀行申請,嚴重則影響按揭審批時間,導致趕不上成交日期,需要撻訂。例如:花旗銀行利息低回贈高,但不接受村屋或居屋按揭申請。 因此,向任何一間銀行申請按揭前,ROOTS團隊建議先WhatsApp我們查詢了解,或者填寫個人化A.I.按揭評估,預先評估自己的獲批按揭機率及得到各大銀行更即時更準確的接按揭利率及優惠,讓你更輕鬆揀出心水銀行,拎盡回贈優惠! 銀行按揭回贈越高一定越好?過高要扣貸款額? 根據金管局,當銀行提供的按揭回贈超過貸款額1%,銀行要以扣減貸款額的方式發放回贈,並不能夠給客人現金回贈。 例如:若貸款額為港幣400萬,回贈1.2%(港幣4.8萬),銀行不能夠將港幣4.8萬現金一筆過給業主或按揭申請人。根據金管局指引,銀行需要將回贈在貸款額扣除,變相申請人最後要還的按揭貸款額本金為港幣395.2萬。 這個回贈方式最大的好處就是按揭貸款本金少了,相等於要供得利息都少了。回贈超過1%的計劃一般比較適合有充裕現金流的業主,而不急住需要額外的現金幫補日常或其他買樓開支等等。換言之,高按揭回贈優惠未必個個適合。急需現金的業主反而可以要考慮申請按揭回贈較低的銀行。 到底揀「H按」定「P按」好? 一般而言,除了居屋只能用P按之外,銀行按揭利率offer都會同時提供「H按」及「P按」。 例如:H+1.3% / P-2.25%...


【PARK SEASONS】日出康城12B期|均價維持1.4萬 延續SEASONS PLACE|會德豐地產

繼日出康城12A期SEASONS PLACE推出後,再推出12B期PARK SEASONS,首批平均呎價$14,488,比SEASONS PLACE首批平均呎價$14,188貴2%,最快下周末開售。買不到SEASONS PLACE的朋友可以考慮一下PARK SEASONS! 除了定時定候提供最新的樓市、按揭相關資訊之外,作為數碼港成員機構的ROOTS上會致力透過創新科技為香港每一位解決按揭煩惱。金融科技平台ROOTS上會打造香港首創網上按揭申請表,一次過免費幫客戶向多間銀行遞交申請,無須再踏入銀行分行用手填表。與此同時,ROOTS上會創立獨家A.I.按揭評估,讓客戶了解按揭負擔能力、獲批按揭的機會、按揭利率、現金回贈等資訊,以衡量是否落訂買樓及應選擇申請哪些銀行按揭計劃,大大減低撻訂機會。另外,我們亦提供精準的智能按揭計算機方便各位計算能否通過壓力測試及每月按揭供款額。 獨家A.I.按揭評估:【A.I.按揭評估】預測按揭批核機會首創網上按揭申請表:【網上按揭申請表】一次過向多間銀行網上遞交申請按揭利率回贈比較:【按揭計劃】各大銀行按揭利率及回贈一覽智能按揭計算機:【按揭計算機】幫您計算壓力測試結果及每月按揭供款額最新樓市按揭資訊:【BLOG】提供最新置業、樓市及按揭資訊 PARK SEASONS 基本資料 地址新界將軍澳康城路1號發展商會德豐地產、港鐵座數2座(2A、2B座)伙數685伙實用面積277 - 537呎戶型一房至兩房,另有特色戶預計關鍵日期2025年11月30日校網小學: 95校網 ; 中學: 西貢區 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9iSK4w14Fk PARK SEASONS 戶型分析 PARK SEASONS提供一房及兩房戶型,另設平台及頂層特色戶。 房型實用面積伙數一房314 - 335呎294伙兩房496呎49伙兩房連書房537呎48伙兩房連開放式廚房436 - 481呎269伙特色單位277 - 537呎25伙共685伙 PARK SEASONS...

How to get a mortgage in Hong Kong? A complete guide for locals and expats.

Whether you are a local or expat, as long as you plan to stay in Hong Kong in the near future, buying a property...

【按揭利率比較2024】各大銀行按揭回贈及優惠一覽 (4月10日更新)

ROOTS 上會 為大家比較全港各大銀行2024最優惠按揭利率及按揭回贈! 以後各位就唔再需要打電話問銀行,憑下列圖表便可得知如何獲得至平至抵至著數的按揭優惠,想了解更多有關按揭或置業資訊,可以聯絡我們的按揭專員! 除了定時定候提供最新的樓市、按揭相關資訊之外,作為數碼港成員機構的ROOTS上會致力透過創新科技為香港每一位解決按揭煩惱。金融科技平台ROOTS上會打造香港首創網上按揭申請表,一次過免費幫客戶向多間銀行遞交申請,無須再踏入銀行分行用手填表。與此同時,ROOTS上會創立獨家A.I.按揭評估,讓客戶了解按揭負擔能力、獲批按揭的機會、按揭利率、現金回贈等資訊,以衡量是否落訂買樓及應選擇申請哪些銀行按揭計劃,大大減低撻訂機會。另外,我們亦提供精準的智能按揭計算機方便各位計算能否通過壓力測試及每月按揭供款額。 獨家A.I.按揭評估:【A.I.按揭評估】預測按揭批核機會首創網上按揭申請表:【網上按揭申請表】一次過向多間銀行網上遞交申請按揭利率回贈比較:【按揭計劃】各大銀行按揭利率及回贈一覽智能按揭計算機:【按揭計算機】幫您計算壓力測試結果及每月按揭供款額最新樓市按揭資訊:【BLOG】提供最新置業、樓市及按揭資訊 【延伸閱讀】業主必知按揭懶人包【買樓按揭流程】3分鐘講解不可不知按揭申請流程及必備文件!【壓力測試懶人包】新按揭保險計劃仲伏位你要知!【按揭成數】最新按揭成數懶人包,話你知買樓要幾多首期!【按揭Mortgage Link】存款掛鈎按揭真係好?為你解答FAQ!【按揭利率】一文睇清「P按」與「H按」分別,教你慳到盡!【按揭年期】如何借足30年?兩大因素影響按揭還款年期!【聯名物業甩名須知】近親轉讓竅門,內部轉讓如何慳盡印花稅!【按揭擔保人】與借款人分別?有幾重要?解釋按揭擔保人玩法!【擔保人】業主如何找擔保人?誰人才是適合你的按揭擔保人?【自僱人士按揭】和受薪人士有何不同?自僱人士按揭注意事項!【發展商按揭】等於借財仔?申請呼吸Plan會隨時仲伏影響成交!【拒批按揭】銀行拒批按揭9大原因!了解自己避免撻訂風險!【延伸閱讀】高成數按揭/按揭保險懶人包【按揭保險費用】一文睇清點計按揭保費,教你計到盡慳到盡【按揭保險】為什麼需要按揭保險?按揭保險費用點計? 【按揭保險】新/舊按揭保險計劃有甚麼分別?應該選哪一個?【高成數按揭】借盡9成按揭成數5大因素,按揭保險無難度!【甩按保】按揭保險全面睇-甚麼是甩按保?如何退保?【延伸閱讀】放租/轉按攻略【高成數按揭租樓】借高成數按揭出租物業隨時犯法?【放租技巧】出租可借幾成按揭?小心銀行CALL LOAN!【轉按攻略】如何用按揭財技轉按套現賺盡回贈拿至抵利率?【轉按流程】甚麼是轉按?一文睇清轉按流程及需知事項! ROOTS上會獨家銀行按揭JETSO優惠表 私人物業新按買賣按揭(一手、二手) H按年利率低至P按年利率低至年利率封頂位低至最高按揭回贈(高達)H+1.3%P-2%4.125%2.45% 私人物業轉按按揭 H按年利率低至P按年利率低至年利率封頂位低至最高按揭回贈(高達)H+1.3%P-2%4.125%2.45% 居屋、車位及工商舖按揭 物業種類H按年利率低至年利率封頂位低至最高按揭回贈(高達)居屋H+1.3% / P-1.75%4.125%0.8%車位H+1.8%4.225%0.2%工商舖H+1.8%4.225%0.2% 香港各大銀行按揭計劃一覽 銀行(Bank)最優惠利率(Prime Rate)P按年利率 (Prime Offer)H按年利率 (HIBOR Offer)高息戶口 (Mortgage Link)罰息期 (Penalty Period)中國銀行5.875%P-1.75%H+1.3%有2年匯豐銀行5.875%P-1.75%H+1.3%有2年恆生銀行5.875%P-1.75%H+1.3%有2年東亞銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年工銀亞洲6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年花旗銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年交通銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年渣打銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年創興銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年集友銀行6.125%P-2%H+1.3%有2年中信銀行6.125%P-1.5%H+1.3%有2年富邦銀行6.25%P%H+1.3%沒有2年 如欲了解更多有關H按及P按的詳情,可參閱「H按」及「P按」。 想知道邊間銀行最高回贈?立即聯絡按揭專員為你提供最新銀行按揭優惠! 綠色按揭 現在,多間銀行推出「綠色按揭」計劃,按揭申請過程全無紙化,由遞交按揭申請、上載申請文件、查閱批核結果至日常賬單管理,全程線上辦理,將按揭服務數碼化,推動減碳環保,申請「綠色按揭」亦可獲得額外優惠,以吸引業主購入符合綠建環評原則的物業,並進一步提倡環保理念。 銀行綠色按揭回贈中國銀行高達 $14,888匯豐銀行高達 $14,888恒生銀行高達 $14,888東亞銀行高達 $12,000渣打銀行高達 $6,888 銀行按揭回贈及按揭利率常見問題FAQ ROOTS上會有什麼好處? ROOTS上會提供5大服務: 網上按揭申請服務 個人化A.I.按揭評估 按揭利率回贈比較 智能按揭計算機 每週按揭教室 以上的每項按揭服務都是從客人角度研發,確保服務能夠幫助每一位想置業的客人。 ROOTS上會按揭回贈好嗎? ROOTS上會每一天都會與銀行按揭部門聯繫,務求緊貼市場及為客戶索取最新按揭優惠資訊。換言之,ROOTS上會必定可以為客人爭取最佳按揭利率及按揭回贈。 ROOTS上會與其他按揭平台有何不同? 有別於其他按揭服務提供者,ROOTS上會提供網上按揭申請服務。傳統按揭轉介只會提供銀行按揭部職員聯絡資料給客戶。之後客戶要親身去銀行排隊及手填申請表,得不到全面性的服務,而ROOTS上會則包括網上按揭申請服務及個人化A.I.按揭評估。 應該申請邊間銀行按揭? 客人申請按揭時,當然想揀最低利息及最高按揭回贈的offer。不過,除了利息及回贈外,銀行審批按揭時還有很多鮮為人知的規矩。若不了解,輕則需要重新遞交文件向其他銀行申請,嚴重則影響按揭審批時間,導致趕不上成交日期,需要撻訂。例如:花旗銀行利息低回贈高,但不接受村屋或居屋按揭申請。 因此,向任何一間銀行申請按揭前,ROOTS團隊建議先WhatsApp我們查詢了解,或者填寫個人化A.I.按揭評估,預先評估自己的獲批按揭機率及得到各大銀行更即時更準確的接按揭利率及優惠,讓你更輕鬆揀出心水銀行,拎盡回贈優惠! 銀行按揭回贈越高一定越好?過高要扣貸款額? 根據金管局,當銀行提供的按揭回贈超過貸款額1%,銀行要以扣減貸款額的方式發放回贈,並不能夠給客人現金回贈。 例如:若貸款額為港幣400萬,回贈1.2%(港幣4.8萬),銀行不能夠將港幣4.8萬現金一筆過給業主或按揭申請人。根據金管局指引,銀行需要將回贈在貸款額扣除,變相申請人最後要還的按揭貸款額本金為港幣395.2萬。 這個回贈方式最大的好處就是按揭貸款本金少了,相等於要供得利息都少了。回贈超過1%的計劃一般比較適合有充裕現金流的業主,而不急住需要額外的現金幫補日常或其他買樓開支等等。換言之,高按揭回贈優惠未必個個適合。急需現金的業主反而可以要考慮申請按揭回贈較低的銀行。 到底揀「H按」定「P按」好? 一般而言,除了居屋只能用P按之外,銀行按揭利率offer都會同時提供「H按」及「P按」。 例如:H+1.3% / P-2.25%...