Buying new property?
Refinancing mortgage?

ROOTS is the first online mortgage platform in Hong Kong that helps you secure your mortgage loan and finds you the best mortgage offer.

Faster Application

Apply within 3 minutes

Higher Approval Rate

Covering 19 banks in HK

網上按揭申請表 | ROOTS 上會
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ROOTS Mortgage Application Form

ROOTS Online Mortgage Application Form


    *Applicant must be the owner of the property
    (Please fill in according to your HKID)
    (Please fill in according to your HKID)
    Eg.: A123456X
    *Please use the system keyboard if you cannot input your HKID
    Eg.: DD/MM/YYYY
    ROOTS mortgage specialist will contact you via WhatsApp
    Is it a single or joint application? *
    *Guarantor information is not needed here


    (Please fill in according to your HKID)
    (Please fill in according to your HKID)
    Eg.: A123456X
    *Please use the system keyboard if you cannot input your HKID
    E.g: DD/MM/YYYY

    Who's ROOTS?

    The first online mortgage broker in Hong Kong endorsed by Cyberport founded by two passionate MBA graudates.

    Extensive Experience

    20 Years

    High Approval Rate (%)


    Number of Clients Served


    Mortgage Loan Processed


    How can ROOTS help?

    For potential buyers

    Mortgage Assessment

    Our A.I. mortgage pre-assessment tool can predict your chance of getting mortgage approval. (Chinese only)

    ROOTS上會 按揭預先批核評估

    For buyers and owners

    Online Application

    All you need is to fill in the online application, the banks with the best deal will process the application for you.

    ROOTS上會 按揭申請

    For buyers and owners

    Best Rates & Offers

    We get daily updates from 19 banks in Hong Kong, making sure you get the most updated rates & offers.


    Finding the best mortgage deal for you!

    Lowest interest rate at HIBOR+1.3%

    ROOTS have access to the best home loan rates & offers in Hong Kong, saving you time and effort. You can directly apply online to get the best deal or reach out to us if you have other questions.

    HSBC 匯豐 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    BOC 中國銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Hang Seng Bank 恆生銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Standard Chartered Bank 渣打銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Citibank 花旗銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    BEA 東亞銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    ICBC 工商銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Fubon Bank 富邦銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Citic 中信銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Bank Of Communications 交通銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    NCB 南洋商業銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    DBS 星展銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Chong Hing Bank 創興銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Chiyu Bank 集友銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    Public Bank 大眾銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    OCBC 華僑永亨銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會
    CMB Wing Lung 招商永隆銀行 Logo | ROOTS 上會

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